Tuesday, August 07, 2007

No August meeting

Hi Everyone
We had a very chatty meeing in July, not much knitting got done.
We've decided that as it's the holiday season, we'll skip the meeting in September & go for 2 in September.
Next meeting, therefore is Monday September 3rd 7.30 pm @ Phillers. Look forward to seeing you all there. Have a good break.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another good meeting (as they all are!). Absent members have been accounted for, all are well and hope to be back next month! Now, I must get that black wrap finished so I've got an FO to show next month and I'm being drawn to some handpainted yarn for a bit of gratuitous sock knitting! Take care all and I'll see you on 3rd!

9:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry folks, David is away at a trade show that week so I will not be able to attend (he was hoping to be home at least for monday night but is now involved in the setting up so has to attend for the week) - tempting as the thought is to drag Libby & Thomas along, Libby starts back at school the next day so not a good time to have a late night. Could I trouble someone to offer a lift to Jane so she gets safely home - having assured her that I would be able to this, I have now let her down twice!
Enjoy yourselves!

8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am new to the area and I am interested in joining a knitting group. I am very new to the scene and I am not sure what the etiquette is. I am also not sure where you are meeting as I do not know Braintree very well. Could you please give me more details on the venue and what I should bring via this blog. Also, your email address does not seem to be recognised, I don't know if this is a problem with my system or yours.

Thanks, and hopefully see you on the 3rd.

5:26 PM  
Blogger Minnieknits said...

Hi Katie,
Just come along - you can bring any current projects on the needles or just come for a cup of tea and chat!
If you click on the link which says 'our host & hostess', there is a map and full details of where we meet. If you need any more info, email me @ strictlycomeknitting@tiscali.co.uk. Sadly, I won't be there on 3rd but you are assured a warm welcome from the rest of the group who are a lovely bunch of knitaholics!

8:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi. Not sure if I'll be able to make it tonight due to pre-school/school starting back and the amount of work, labelling, etc., that has suddenly piled up!! (Procrastination is never a good ploy!) If I'm not there see you all at the end of the month.

Abi x

12:46 PM  

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